
Sabbath Rest for your Soul | rhythm of sabbath
Sojourn Church Sojourn Church

Sabbath Rest for your Soul | rhythm of sabbath

*We apologize for some technical difficulties with the front end of today’s sermon*

There are four values that make up a Sabbath. These four provide support for us as we journey to follow Jesus into this practice of Sabbath: Stop. Rest. Delight. Worship

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Sabbath Rest for your Soul | Stop. Rest. Delight. Worship
Sojourn Church Sojourn Church

Sabbath Rest for your Soul | Stop. Rest. Delight. Worship

*We apologize for some technical difficulties with the front end of today’s sermon*

There are four values that make up a Sabbath. These four provide support for us as we journey to follow Jesus into this practice of Sabbath: Stop. Rest. Delight. Worship

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Sabbath Rest for your Soul | Come to me
Sojourn Church Sojourn Church

Sabbath Rest for your Soul | Come to me

Jesus provides a great invitation, "come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest." In a generation overwhelmed with restlessness, this invitation is like water to a dry land. What is interesting is that Matthew follows this great invitation with two stories about Sabbath. Sabbath and rest for the soul are welded together. It is on Sabbath where we find healing and rest for our soul.

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Faith, Work, & Generosity | Generosity and Simplicity
Sojourn Church Sojourn Church

Faith, Work, & Generosity | Generosity and Simplicity

Jesus provides a heart posture to sustain us called Contentment. He also provides a dual practice to guide our wallet to maintain contentment and buck again treasuring stuff, it is generosity and simplicity. Join Pastor Ernie as we explore both of these practices today

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Faith, Work, & Generosity | Contentment Slays Greed
Sojourn Church Sojourn Church

Faith, Work, & Generosity | Contentment Slays Greed

Contentment is not a personality trait but a learned value that develops over time. Contentment is active, not passive, and becomes a weapon for us to slay greed. Throughout the New Testament, followers of Jesus are invited to learn to wield the sword of growing in contentment. Join Pastor Ernie as we dig deeper into this key component of the Christian life.

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Faith, Work, & Generosity | Jesus & Money
Sojourn Church Sojourn Church

Faith, Work, & Generosity | Jesus & Money

In this second installment, Pastor Ernie considers how Jesus informs our understanding of money with an emphasis on how we are to steward the money God has given to us.

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